Tuesday 14 June 2016

Huge Loss! Babatunde Okuongbowa AKA OJB Jezebel Is Dead

The very heartbreaking news got to oyemykkeupdate this morning that the 49years old Nigerian musician and producer who has helped a lot of african superstars we know today to attain their goal finally lost his life this morning.
The talented songwriter and producer Okungbowa Babatunde known as OJB Jezreel lost his life after he battled a Kidney transplant in India in 2013. The news we are getting is that he had a relapse a few weeks ago and was kept on daily dialysis. Unfortunately, yesterday he needed oxygen and he didn't make it. He has been declared dead early this morning June 14th by Isolo General Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria.

The very famous producer survived many children and 3 wives. May his soul Rest in Peace 

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