Wednesday 8 June 2016

Someone Just Made A Real Life ‘Batsuit’ Which Gives Wearers Super Strength

Someone has just made a real-life superhero suit – not too dissimilar to the powered armour which gives Ben Affleck super-strength in Batman versus Superman.
But instead of allowing men to fight all-powerful aliens, the Superflex suit is aimed to give people who need it a little extra boost of strength.
The suit, made by Californian research company SRI, uses motion sensors and accelerometer to ‘sense’ a wearer’s movement – then deliver a power boost.

On the battlefield, such ‘exoskeletons’ could help soldiers carry heavy loads – or help elderly people walk without assistance.

SRI says, ‘Superflex’s goal is to remove all of those areas that cause psychological-type encumbrances and, ultimately, redignify the individual.

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