Friday 3 June 2016

Dad Murdered His 6year Old Daughter And Then Killed Himself

Darren Flux-Edmonds's body was found with Keziah, who later died after being found beside the bodies of the family's two pet dogs at their Isle of Wight home

A father killed his young daughter in a suspected murder suicide because he was 'bitter' about splitting with his wife, a family friend has claimed.
Darren Flux-Edmonds, 44, was found dead with six-year-old Keziah, who later died after being found unconscious beside the bodies of the family's two pet dogs.

Family friend Terry Nutman, 64, said he believes Darren may have acted due to a breakdown in his relationship with Keziah's mum Nikki, who he had been married to for 12 years.
It's thought the couple had recently split and Darren, who is understood to be unemployed, had been living at a different address.
Terry claims Nikki returned home from work to be met with the devastating scene at the home in East Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, yesterday morning.

A father killed his young daughter in a suspected murder suicide because he was 'bitter' about splitting with his wife, a family friend has claimed.

Darren Flux-Edmonds, 44, was found dead with six-year-old Keziah, who later died after being found unconscious beside the bodies of the family's two pet dogs.

Family friend Terry Nutman, 64, said he believes Darren may have acted due to a breakdown in his relationship with Keziah's mum Nikki, who he had been married to for 12 years.
It's thought the couple had recently split and Darren, who is understood to be unemployed, had been living at a different address.
Terry claims Nikki returned home from work to be met with the devastating scene at the home in East Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, yesterday morning.
Police  described the family's pet dogs, whose bodies were also found at the scene, as 'terrier-types' - and it is believed one is called Arnie.
Mr Nutman, of East Cowes, said his young grandson, who went to school with Keziah, tragically asked him today: "Is Keziah still dead today?"
He turned up to leave a floral tribute at the scene and explained that Mrs Flux-Edmonds was living at the family home after the split.
Mr Nutman - who said Keziah was affectionately known to friends as Kezi - said: "They had split up, I'm not sure when or why but it wasn't too long ago.
"He was living somewhere else and she was there with Keziah.
"I don't know what happened inside the house, I think she came back from work and found it all.

I can't understand it and I just don't know what was going through his head at the time.
"Maybe because they split up he was thinking 'if I can't have her then nobody can'.
"He [Mr Flux-Edmonds] adored Keziah, she used to always be on his shoulders and he loved her to bits

"I used to see him at the school and she used to run up and get on his shoulders, he was a big man too."
Mr Nutman also said young Keziah was his grandson's 'girlfriend', adding: "She had a little boyfriend at school bless her. It was one of my daughter's young boys.
"Her other boy asked her today 'is Keziah still dead today?'
"It's awful when you think about it, you read stories like this that make you go cold but then it happens to people you know.
"She was a lovely young girl, really spirited and a proper little princess. I hope she didn't suffer."
Police officers are now inside the house investigating and have also searched Mrs Flux-Edmonds White Hyundai Accent.


Family friend and neighbour John Orchard, 29, said he hasn't seen Mr Flux-Edmonds' orange Volkswagen for around two months.
He also recalls seeing Mrs Flux-Edmonds outside the home shortly after the incident.
He said: "Yesterday morning I remember seeing her walking slowly across to her neighbours while the police were there

"It must have just been after it, I bet she was horrified."
An ex-colleague of Mrs Flux-Edmonds, who was visibly upset and didn't want to be named, left two bunches of flowers and a note.
It read: "A very special princess who has been taken way too soon. We will treasure every moment spent with you. Safe in the arms of Jesus. You will always be with us."
The £250,000 four-bedroom house on a new-build estate has been sealed off as forensics officers comb the house for clues into the tragic incident.
Shocked neighbours, friends and one of Keziah's teachers have paid tribute to the " Disney -mad" youngster today as floral tributes were left outside the house.
John Orchard, 29, whose young son went to school with Keziah and lived on the same quiet street, said she was the daughter of Darren Flux-Edmonds and his wife Nikki and described the family as 'lovable'.

Fighting back tears, he told how Keziah loved to wear Disney princess dresses and, in particular, liked dressing up as Elsa from the hit-movie Frozen.
He recalled her playing outside in princess outfits and remembered her fondly playing on the trampoline in her back garden.
When Mr Orchard told his son about the devastating news, he burst into tears and told him he didn't want to go back to school without Keziah there.

"She was such a sweet little girl, she loved Disney, she was absolutely mad about it. She would always wear Disney princess dresses when she was playing," he said.
"She especially loved Frozen. Elsa was her favourite, she wanted to be her when she grew up.
"She used to sing all the Frozen songs and pretend to be Elsa, it's heartbreaking knowing she'll never be able to do it again.

"I can remember hearing her laughing from her garden, and when it was nice outside she used to play on the trampoline in their garden and I could always hear her laughing and screaming.
"The mum Nikki was always busy, I remember her running up and down the road with her phone. I hadn't seen Darren in months."
He was unsure about the circumstances of their death, but described Mr Flux-Edmonds as someone who was quiet and who would often stay inside the house.

He added: "They didn't seem like the kind of family to get into any sort of trouble or anything.
"I still can't believe it. They were such a lovable family it's a shock, I'm struggling to get over it."
According to his Facebook page, Darren Flux-Edmonds was 'temporarily unemployed' and had previously studied at the Isle of Wight College.
On April 11, 2016, a picture was posted to Mr Flux-Edmonds Facebook profile which had the message: 'To my wife. Just to say I love you.'
Ten days later on April 21, he posted a status which read "Perspective / relationships / divorce / couples / friends / best ...".
It was accompanied by a picture of a quote which read: "At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life."

Another post the same day read: "Sometimes, you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding onto."
And on April 25, he uploaded the quote: "Lord, my heart hurts right now. I have no idea what I need, but you do. Please help."
Keziah was a pupil in Year One at Queensgate Primary School in East Cowes, and today her distraught teacher left a touching tribute on the doorstep.

Hampshire Constabulary have launched a probe into their deaths, but today confirmed they have identified everyone they want to speak to.
Police also moved to reassure residents in the new-build development that there is no wider risk to the community.
A Hampshire Police spokeswoman said: "Darren Flux-Edmonds, 44, was found dead by officers at an address in Cromwell Avenue.
"His daughter, Keziah Flux-Edmonds, six, was found unconscious at the address and was taken to St Mary's Hospital. She died a short time later.
"Investigations into the exact circumstances of the deaths are ongoing today on behalf of the coroner and post-mortems are being carried out today.
"The family, who are being supported by specialist officers, has asked for privacy at this very difficult time and we would urge media to respect their wishes."
A spokeswoman for the Isle of Wight NHS Trust said: "Health services responded to a serious incident in East Cowes on Wednesday.
"For the time being, pending police enquiries, all further information will be issued by Hampshire Constabulary."

Source : Mirror

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