Wednesday 1 June 2016

Egypt Air Black Box Signals Have Been Heard?

New updates have popped up about the Vanished Egypt Airbus A320

A statement said they were picked up by a French vessel searching the Mediterranean Sea.
There were 66 people on board when the Airbus A320 crashed on 19 May while flying from Paris to Cairo.
It vanished from Greek and Egyptian radar screens, apparently without having sent a distress call.
There is no word yet from the French authorities about the finding.
Egyptian officials said last week signals from the plane's emergency beacon had been detected but later said they were received on the day of the crash and were not new.
  • What do we know so far?
  • Who were the victims?
"The French vessel 'Laplace'... has received through its search equipment signals from the seabed of the wreckage search area assumed to be from one of the data recorders," the Egyptian Aircraft Investigation Committee said in its latest statement.
It added that another ship will join search efforts later this week to help retrieve the devices.

What caused the crash remains a mystery. Finding the black boxes is crucial to piecing together what happened in the plane's final moments.

This is all According to BBC

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