Wednesday 1 June 2016

Sugardaddy Lifestyle

The young lad you're about to read on goes by the name Oliver Edward

Unlike many of you, a jobless Kingston University graduate has recreated his lifestyle through what he thinks is the best way to brake the yolk of poverty. According to the new i gathered from Daily mail, this 24year old lives the lifestyle of a any popular music / film star by rocking designer clothes and gets a 2000 pound cash allowance from his super wealthy divorced sugar daddy.
Sharp boy many of us would say. 

Unemployed Edward Oliver’s from London and has been with his sugar daddy for 2years, he graduated from Kingston University and Yes, he has wiped out his student debt. Amazing isn’t it?
Thats not all, he insist he often travels by private jet and drives around the city in supercar whenever they go on holiday. 


According to an interview i saw on Daily mail, Mr Oliver said: ‘This is my longest sugar daddy relationship so far - we started off seeing each other once a week, but once he ended another relationship we spent more and more time together.
‘I think at first he was looking for a sexual relationship, but as we got to know each other it became very much platonic. I’m unemployed, but I do sort of look at my relationship as a job.
‘I sometimes help out in my sugar daddy’s property development business, and it can be quite stressful having to put on a front all the time to keep him happy.
‘In return though I get my rent paid, a £2,000 cash allowance, regular holidays that last up to a month at a time all round the world, five-star accommodation and luxury travel.’
He added that they often travel by private jet or in supercars when they go on holiday, and recently enjoyed a ten-day spa holiday in Germany which cost £20,000.
Talk about ballership, Oliver said, 
‘My friends and family don’t know anything about it. They know I haven’t got a job, and they know I have a lot of designer clothes and shoes and go away on lavish holidays.
I think at first he was looking for a sexual relationship, but as we got to know each other it became very much platonic
Edward Oliver 
But they never ask where the money comes from. I’m from a comfortable background and went to a private school, so I think friends assume it’s family wealth.
‘People are very quick to judge and let their imaginations run wild, but it’s not as seedy as people think. To be honest, it is like a job - it’s an exchange of money for a service.
‘That service is companionship and making someone feel good about themselves. It sounds amazing, and I do get paid well to do it - but it can be very stressful at times.’

Mr Oliver, who is bisexual, said: ‘I’ve had other sugar daddies before now, and the relationships can be a bit weird.
‘The whole reason I started doing the whole sugar baby thing was because I’d dated a lot of people, and I always ended up being the one looking after them.
‘It was nice to have someone look after me for a change, and be my cheerleader - if I have ideas they’re happy to talk about them with me and they support and encourage them, which is really nice.
‘I am bisexual, and I’ve had women approach me as a sugar mama too - but I grew up in a single-parent family and I’m very close to my mum, so using a woman for financial gain doesn’t sit well with me.

I prefer a man to pay, I’m quite old-fashioned in that way. I have had romantic sugar daddies before, but my current relationship is just a companionship really.
It was nice to have someone look after me for a change
Edward Oliver
‘Romantic relationships never really last long - due to the money it can be more of an uncle and nephew feel, which is a bit odd.
‘Meeting a sugar daddy or sugar mama gives it a very different dynamic to regular dating, so romantic relationships are difficult - it’s hard to have a real, loving relationship when you’re being paid for your time.
‘But lots of people look for sugar babies or sugar daddies and mamas for different reasons.

There are nearly half a million sugar babies in Britain signed up to Seeking Arrangement, with 73,000 sugar daddies and 12,000 sugar mamas looking for discreet companions.
Angela Bermudo from Seeking Arrangement said: ‘The sugar baby lifestyle is not exclusive to women - the number of men is rapidly increasing as more and more sugar mamas and gay sugar daddies join to find a younger companion who can provide a relationship catered to their busy lifestyles.
‘Successful men and women have hectic work schedules or constantly travel for business, and therefore have little time to cultivate meaningful relationships - but ironically have much to offer in terms of resources, like knowledge, financial assistance and security - which is why arrangements work for them rather than conventional relationships.’

He met his sugar daddy on Seeking Arrangement, a dating website specializing in sugar baby relationships.

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